1:1 Holistic Coaching Program



Book Your Discovery Call

Pick a time on the calendar that fits your schedule.


Tell Me About Your Goals

Answer the application question so I know more about your fitness and wellness goals and how to best serve you on the call.


Prepare For Your Call

Once you have booked your discovery call, you will be sent a confirmation email and instructions on how to prepare for your discovery call.

Personalized Workouts

Variations of workouts that fit just right – they match your purpose, pace, fit into your crazy schedule, and focus squarely on what you’re aiming to achieve. It’s like your personal fitness roadmap tailored to what you need.

Guided Meditations

Life can be overwhelming and stressful when we have a million things pulling our attention. Through meditation we begin to find the missing link, our inner peace, that somehow magically starts to align all areas of our life and all the made stress seems to fall away. Guided meditations just for you, in the amount that you need to bring you back to mental health.

100% Custom Meal Plan

We dial-in your daily nutrition, making it seamless and enjoyable to maintain without any restrictions. This approach makes it effortlessly align with your lifestyle.

Ongoing Progress Tracking

Every week, we’ll catch up one-on-one to see how you’re progress is coming along, to make sure you’re nailing your goals and feeling great about your results.

1:1 Support & Accountability

Got a question? Need some advice or just want to chat? I’m here for you – shoot me a text, give me a ring, or drop me an email anytime

Personalized Plan Just For You

Variations of workouts that fit just right – they match your purpose, pace, fit into your crazy schedule, and focus squarely on what you’re aiming to achieve. It’s like your personal fitness roadmap tailored to what you need.

Meal Plan Without the Guesswork

We dial in your daily nutrition, and make it effortless to stick to your nutrition and goals.

Meditations made with you in mind

Life can be overwhelming and stressful when we have a million things pulling our attention. Through meditation we begin to find the missing link, our inner peace, that somehow magically starts to align all areas of our life and all the made stress seems to fall away. Guided meditations just for you, in the amount that you need to bring you back to mental health.

Progress Tracking

Every week, we’ll catch up one-on-one to see how you’re progress is coming along, to make sure you’re nailing your goals and feeling great about your results.


Got a question? Need some advice or just want to chat? I’m here for you – shoot me a text, give me a ring, or drop me an email anytime



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