When you believe with unwavering faith is when it makes itself visible to you.

Energy in different states is the core of all existence.


When you believe it with unwavering faith, that’s when it makes itself visible to you.


What you focus on you enhance.

When you focus on energy, you become more energy. When you focus on matter, you become more matter


What if you started to observe yourself as a computer system, not as a human body? And you had the power to put in whatever program you want to be displayed out on your screen... So you’d get to put in, and take out whatever you wanted until desired result was displayed in front of you.

Now, can you for a moment, observe your current reality as a set of programs that was installed by someone else?

Now taking that into account, look at your current manifested reality, and ask yourself -

“What parts am I choosing, and what parts have been put there by someone else?”

What if.. you are the ultimate divine creator, and can choose whatever reality you wish? What if every single reality already exists inside of your being, and all it takes is you choosing it in order for it to be manifested in your exterior reality? What if it only takes you truly believing you can have and be whatever you want in order for it to make itself visible in front of your eyes?

Can you open yourself up to infinite possibilities? Can you open yourself up to the infinite unified field of existence? Of creation? The net?

Our ancient ancestors in Egypt tapped in to this energy. They realized there was something way beyond our three-dimensional reality.

This can be difficult for humans to grasp, because our physical bodies, our eyes are only made to see what is in 3-D, so any other energy or beings outside of this dimension we cannot see with our physical eyes. And when a human is too fixated on their outside reality as all there is, they fail to see beyond the veil of reality, of true existence, of true power. They are limited by their mind. Most of our world is in dis-ease of this. Allowing other things, other people and the rest of the world to tell them who they are. Living in scarcity mindset, limiting beliefs, fears, doubts, never fully grasping the unlimited power that we have all been gifted to create our desired realities on this physical realm called earth.

Can you allow yourself to dive deeper into your psyche, into the unknown and tap into your unlimited potential so that you can stand confident in the reality that you have chosen? If you don’t consciously choose, it is chosen for you. Why not have a say in what you create? Why not align to your deepest desires and let the universe serve it?

Why limit yourself and waste your human experience by being a prisoner of your fears?

Only the brave embark on this journey to uncover their truest potential. And as so, are genuinely rewarded.

Now, ask yourself? Are you ready? 

See you on the other side,

Xx, MM

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